Make a request to the LRMH
Wanting to make an intervention or analysis request upon the LRMH ?
The request must be made from the LRMH web portal. It must describe the study objectives and issues as precisely as possible. It is not necessary to mention the details of analysis and observations needed. They will be determined by the LRMH
Beware : this form is only a study request. It should never be along with tests or samples –unless previous agreement from the LRMH – and must have been looked at by the CRMH. A phone call with the head of the relevant scientific departement should happen to organize and plan the intervention ;
A space dedicated to files deposit is available in order to deliver every document that would help on the comprehension of the context of the stud
Post your intervention requestSchedule of the LRMH
Headline News
50th bithday of the LRMH
Due to COVID-19 contaminations progressing in France, we had to make a decision about the symposium scheduled on 15th and 16th of october 2020.
While it is a birthday and a symposium supposed to honor sharing, and cooperation between fields, scientifics and institutions, it was unthinkable to cancel it. It is postponed to Fall 2021. A precise date will be given later.
However, know that since the 16th of september 2020, an exhibition showing photographs of the LRMH in intervention is set on the metal gates of the CNAM in Paris.
Find out about all the events of this birthday year...
Beaux Arts : LRMH Special Edition
On the occasion of the 50th birthday of the laboratory, the LRMH has associated with Beaux Arts Magazine to publish a special edition.
This issue is intended for paying tribute to all those who have been and still are a part of the history of the laboratory. It relates the numerous interventions led by the LRMH in order to protect and restore all types of historical buildings.
A journey that sums up 50 ongoing years of passion for cultural heritage and its science !
To know more about it, it's there
And to order it, it's here
Coré : SFIIC Journal publishes a digital special edition
This 2020 special edition is an occasion to publish communications from the study days that have been organised by the french cultural administration in cooperation with the Mucem, the Cité de la Musique in Paris and the CICRP in Marseille the 4th and 5th of october 2018. The subject of those study days was : "Artists studios : places and processes of production. Poor materials - Noble materials."
Focus on... The wood galery
The LRMH gives access to a selections of pictures and photographs from its own production. A special space is dedicated to exhibitions of photographs made by Dominique Bouchardon, the official photographer of the laboratory.